The New Earth Institute

The New Earth Institute

Cover art courtesy of SWC Masters in Art Therapy/Counseling student, Rain Kilburne.

Community Building in Turbulent Times:
Healing Collective Grief & Trauma

As a global community we seem to be experiencing increasingly turbulent times with fear and anxiety related to climate change, post-pandemic fragmentation, war, violence, ethnic and racial tension, addiction, and many other destabilizing events. Withdrawal, isolation, disengagement, apathy and distrust are natural, yet further damaging, reactions. Wisdom teachings invite us to lean in, connect, and heal, through ritual, ceremony, and community building. This year’s Transformation & Healing Conference is dedicated to this effort and will provide opportunities to explore alternative and ancient pathways, as well as cutting edge research and evidence-based approaches for healing collective grief and trauma.


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View past conference brochures here:

2019 – Numinous Dimensions of Consciousness and Healing

2018 – Creativity, Consciousness and Connection in Challenging Times

2017 – Wellness in a Culture of Addiction

2016 – At the Crossroads of Human Potential

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 Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll do our best to assist you promptly. Thank you for choosing our services, and we look forward to hearing from you.